SITREP 16DEC2016: Day 2 of Balkans Campaign Complete

SITREP 16DEC2016: Day 2 of Balkans Campaign Complete

FROM: High Command TO: 669VFS INFO: Balkans Update PRECEDENCE: Flash Day 2 is in the books and now a winter storm has taken hold in the Balkans Theater of Operation. The 669VFS have completed 8 missions ranging from BAI, to OCA, AI Strikes, and more. We have had a mix...
SITREP 27OCT2016: 669 VFS put on Full Alert

SITREP 27OCT2016: 669 VFS put on Full Alert

FROM: High Command TO: 669VFS INFO: Balkans Update PRECEDENCE: Flash As of October 27th, 2016 the 669th VFS is now on full alert following aggressive actions of the Red Country in the former Yugoslavia. Intel suggest Red Country has increased readiness drills and...