SITREP 10JUN2017: VMFA-121 Deactivated

SITREP 10JUN2017: VMFA-121 Deactivated

After reviewing the current squadrons, units, members, and simulation games that the 6THVFW operates. We have decided to cease operations in any form of X-Plane. With this our VMFA-121 will be deactivated. We had a great time running many missions in X-Plane 10 and...
VMFA-121 Testing AOA F-35B V1.7 in X-Plane 11

VMFA-121 Testing AOA F-35B V1.7 in X-Plane 11

Well that didn’t take long! We are currently testing v1.7 of the F-35B in X-Plane 11. The 121 is still in a state of stand down awaiting a full release of X-Plane 11 and an XP11 compatible release of the F-35. But we are confident that we will be able to...
Stand down of VMFA-121

Stand down of VMFA-121

The VMFA-121 will stand down until the release of X-Plane 11. We have decided to focus more efforts into DCS and BMS until the release of X-Plane 11. We are still waiting to see if the AOA F-35B will work in X-Plane 11. But with X-Plane 11 we are expecting a better...